Friday, February 19, 2010

Filler Friday!

A blog I used read, back before blogs were hip, used to have Filler Fridays. Enjoy filler!

First, we have an Avalanche fan who lost a bet with C.C. Deville.

Also at Saturday's game, there were random people with wings handing out candy saying “Colorado loves California.” My first thought? Colorado is trying to poison us.

Finally, here's some kid in a Dodger blue knock-off Kopitar jersey.

…thus concludes this first Filler Friday.


Emedy said...

The 'Colorado Loves California' people were actually part of a Colorado initiative to lure California businesses there. Check out what else they were up to that weekend...

Chris Kontos said...

I don't care what Emedy says, I think that Colorado was trying to poison Kings fans... 1) for taking all of their water over the past 50 years and 2) for taking Forsberg's spleen.

McSwarley said...

Emedy: So, Colorado is trying to screw up California's economy even more by handing out candy to strangers?

Chris: Don't forget Tom Preissing. They got Tom Preissing.